Tuesday, August 19, 2014

 So I am learning to sew and have tried my hand at a couple of quilt blocks. They aren't perfect but here they are.
 Hoping soon to make a small quilt maybe for a doll or baby. Love the bright colors and wish I could afford more fabric.
I also made thus afghan for a friend. Original was in blue and white but I love this color combo.

I have a lot of irons in the fire and no time or space for all of them.

Blessings and Namaste _/\_

Saturday, April 19, 2014

Oh my gosh it's been a while!

Oh wow!

I have totally fallen down on getting this blog current and relevant. I spend a lot of time on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/valeriebarlowhorton and https://www.facebook.com/ValeriesGiftsnThings and on Pinterest http://www.pinterest.com/stitchymomma/ but that is really no excuse...:/ Let's see if I can be more regular about posting on here.

Just to catch you up I have been making crochet toys for my grandkids (I have 2 now!) and for a local charity called CASA. You should look and see if there is a local chapter near you! I have been so busy with work that my cross stitch has really taken a hit and I have done near to nothing but plan on making a stocking for my step daughter and for the new grandbaby soon!
This is the afghan I made for the newest baby, Tatertot.

Till next time!!
Peace and Blessings and Happy Easter!